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How to cancel your Ring account

Ring is a prominent company in smart home security. The company offers security systems, video doorbells, security cameras, and more to help keep your home secure. However, most of these products require an additional subscription if you want more storage and security features, especially cloud-based options. That's easy enough to set up, but how do you cancel the subscription when you no longer want it?




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There are various reasons why you might want to cancel your Ring Protect subscription plan. Those reasons include moving, ditching Ring, or just changing smart home security systems. Either way, you'll need to go through a multistep process to cancel it fully. Depending on how you signed up for the service, you can cancel your plan from either Ring's website or Amazon's. We'll go over both ways. Here's how to do it:

Ring Virtual Security Guard
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Canceling a subscription from

Step 1: Log in to your account on

Step 2: Select Protect Plan on the top menu.

Step 3: Select the plan you want to cancel.

Step 4: At the bottom of the page, select Cancel Plan, then a reason for cancellation.

Step 5: Finally, select when to cancel your plan (now or at the end of your billing cycle).

Step 6: Confirm cancelation.

Canceling Ring service from

Step 1: Log in to your Amazon account.

Step 2: Select Your memberships & subscriptions. This can be found in the drop-down menu located at the top of the webpage.

Step 3: Choose Cancel subscription next to the Ring Protect plan you want to cancel.

Step 4: Confirm the cancellation.


How do I cancel my ring subscription?

You can cancel your Ring Protect subscription on either the Ring or Amazon website. Unfortunately, you aren't able to cancel plans in the Ring app.

Do I get a refund if I cancel my ring subscription?

There are two lengths of plans you can choose with your Ring Protect subscription, a monthly and an annual. For annual plans, if you cancel during a month, you'll be credited the remaining months as a refund. So, for example, if you used four months of your annual plan, you'll receive a refund for the eight remaining months you didn't use. For monthly plans, you'll receive a prorated refund for any unused days. So, if you use your Ring for 14 days, you'll get credited for the remaining 16 days.

The refund will appear on the same credit card that you used to sign up for your subscription. If you don't have that same card, you'll have to call your bank and set up a refund.

It's important to know that all of your recorded videos will be deleted whenever you cancel your subscription. So be sure to download them to your device or some other backup source before canceling the service. After completing these steps, you can toss your Ring devices, sell them to someone else, or simply give them away and the new owner can set up a new subscription.

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Keyan Riddick
Keyan Riddick is a freelance writer based in the mountains on North Carolina. When he isn't writing you can find him behind…
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